The capacitor for the station is turned on but the station is not getting any power from the panels.
Empyrion solar panels in space.
I fully understand the need to limit this in full survival mode game but the server i run for my friends and i is a world i edit and tinker with and we d like to build some truely massive stuff including things like solar farms.
Solar energy setups can be complicated and require some thought to become truly efficient.
So if your solar output is not more than your consumption your batteries will never charge.
If you read nothing else.
The best way to make use of solar energy is to set up device grouping in the control panel.
I have a space station with 15 solar panels facing the sun.
Generally love thy survival constructor.
Solar panels work in space just fine.
As such it.
I have a base on the planet that generates 1 5mw on solar but my platform in space only generates 572kw.
All lights on them are full which means they are getting power.
Solar panels are supposed to be more effective near the equator of a planet than at the poles.
Let s talk about energy efficiency.
Is solar power in space supposed to suck.
Solar is used first then generator power.
Solar capacitors will always prioritize using solar energy before burning fuel.
15 solar panels isn t exactly massive heh in fact.
This means in order to make a base sustainable you re looking at a maximum of 300kw of consumption.
As a guide each panel can produce 50 60kw of power so you can produce up to about 1mw of power.
The green indicators indicate the efficiency maximum output of the panel with 4 green indicators being the best.
Empyrion galactic survival.
Get at least a dozen solar panels up and turn off things not in use and one should see batteries actually charging.
However their efficiency is based on how far the space playfield is from the sun along with angle to the sun.
Which really doesn t make sense considering the platform is not only facing the sun 24x7 but is closer to the sun about even with the planet s equator but out towards its asteroid belt.
The further out you get in au from the sun the less efficient they are until the point it seems like they don t even work.
In addition any generators present in the base will not consume fuel as long as there is ample solar energy stored in capacitors to meet the base s power needs.
This just seems off to me.
The yellow indicators indicate the current output of the panel again with 4 being the highest.
Do they not work in space or am i doing it wrong.